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A couple of posts ago I was playing with an instrument, built around a Sample Loop module, which would randomly jump from place to place within a sample as the sample played. A Reaktor builder called Don Dailey (tubaman on NI's R5 forum) turned it into another instrument, called EOS (you can see it in the R5 user library - thanks for the work Don, really good stuff!). There was a bit of discussion about it, and Don wrote in one of his posts that the instrument works better with samples that have a lot of variation in harmonics or sound texture - so that, when the instrument jumps from place to place in the sound, your hear an audible change in the output. I thought, why not investigate quick ways to generate that kind of sound, and so decided to throw some recordings I've got into a Sample Resynth module.
I found that, with the right sample file, you can very quickly achieve some great atmospheres without a lot of building. One of the sounds I use in the video is a recording of Indian temple bells, which I made last year in Darjeeling. I've uploaded it to The Freesound Project in case you want to play (it might take a while to get through moderation).
Oh, and I'm experimenting with Azureus Vuze as a media host, so let me know how you get on with that; and I'm also spending less time editing the content down, so it's a bit slower in pace than previous entries. Again, drop me a line and let me know what you think. Hope you find it useful...